Reports on the Situation in Yemen


The Baha'i community in Yemen has faced an upsurge in persecution by the Houthi (Ansarullah) authorities who have harassed them since coming to power in 2014. Houthi agents routinely intimidate and endanger the lives of Baha’is, often trying to appropriate their properties, all while pursuing baseless allegations against them in the courts. This pattern was punctuated by the mass arrest of over 60 men, women, and children participating in a Baha’i community gathering in 2016; the call for the arrest of over two dozen members of the Baha’i community in 2017; the indictment of 24 individuals because of their association with the Baha’i Faith in 2018; and the call for the public execution of one Baha’i in 2018. In 2020, six Yemeni Baha’is, who had been arrested and jailed, and were facing unjust prison sentences, were forced to leave the country and cannot return. In May 2023, armed Houthi gunmen staged a violent raid on a peaceful gathering of Baha’is in Sana’a and detained and disappeared 17 people including five women. 

This page details the situation facing Baha’is in the Houthi-controlled region of Yemen and includes updates on the latest incidents. For more background information please click here.

Updates from the Bahá’í International Community or the Bahá’í World News Service

22  June 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Abdullah Al-Olofi—a Yemeni Baha'i detained in a brutal May 2023 raid by the Houthi authorities—has been released. Four others remain jailed in Yemen & Mr Al-Olofi’s release came with unjust conditions. The Houthis must free all jailed Baha’is without conditions & without delay."

25 May 2024 - The Baha’i International Community issued a press release titled "International officials, parliamentarians and activists call for Houthis to #FreeYemeniBahais" which highlights those who have joined forces this month to call on the de facto Houthi authorities in Yemen to release five Baha’is detained a year ago in a violent armed raid. (EnglishArabic

23 May 2024: The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you @AmnestYMENA for this support. The five Baha'i prisoners in Houthi-controlled Yemen must be released without delay—they were detained a year ago in an armed and violent raid on a peaceful gathering of innocent Yemeni citizens. #FreeYemeniBahais"

24 May 2024: The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you to the Cairo Institute for Human Rights for adding your voice to the call to #FreeYemeniBahais – five of whom remain unjustly imprisoned in Houthi-controlled Yemen."
20 May 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you to this group of UN experts for calling on the de facto Houthi authorities in Yemen to release five Baha'i citizens who remain unjustly detained. The UN experts say the five face serious risk of torture and other human rights violations. #FreeYemeniBahais"


17 May 2024: The Baha’i International Community tweeted: Thank you to Human Rights Watch's @NikuJafarnia for drawing attention to the persecution of the Baha'i community in Houthi-controlled Yemen. Seventeen Baha'is were detained in Sanaa in a violent raid, a year ago, and 5 remain in detention. They must be released. #FreeYemeniBahais " (Arabic)
13 May 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: Thank you H.E. Dame Barbara Woodward, Ambassador, UK Mission to the UN
for your call to the Houthis at UN Security Council meeting today “to uphold freedom of religion or belief and immediately and unconditionally release the remaining Baha'is in detention.”
13 May 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: Many thanks to H.E. Mrs. Vanessa Frazier, Ambassador, Mission of Malta to the UN for calling for the “immediate and unconditional release…of the five remaining Baha'is who have been forcibly detained for over one year” at UN Security Council today.

11 May 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: Thank you Dr. Shirin Ebadi for continuing to support Baha'i rights and to @DefendingBahais for highlighting this statement. A year ago 17 Baha’is were detained in a violent raid in Houthi-controlled Yemen and five remain in custody—they must be freed. #FreeYemeniBahais " (Arabic)

7 May 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you Alhurra News for this important coverage on the #Baha’i community in #Houthi-controlled #Yemen. A year ago 17 Baha’is were detained in a violent raid in Sanaa and five remain in custody—they must be freed." #FreeYemeniBahais (Arabic)

4 May 2024: The Baha’i International Community tweeted: Thank you to the Luxembourg Mission in Geneva for the continued support of #Bahai rights in #Houthi-controlled #Yemen at the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review. #HumanRights

4 May 2024: The Baha’i International Community tweeted: Thank you to the Yemeni Government for the continued support of #Bahai rights in #Houthi-controlled #Yemen at the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review. #HumanRights15 April 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you Hans Grundberg @OSE_Yemen for continuing to highlight detainees at today's@UNSecurity Council hearing on the situation in #Houthi-controlled #Yemen. Five #Bahai Yemeni citizens remain unjustly jailed after a violent armed raid on a peaceful Baha'i gathering last year."

4 April 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you @AmnestyMENA for this important support. Five #Bahai citizens in #Yemen remain in arbitrary detention after a violent #Houthi raid on a peaceful gathering almost a year ago."

22 March 2024 -  The Baha’i International Community delivered an oral statement  regarding the Baha’is in Yemen at the 40th meeting of the 55th regular session of Human Rights Council. 

22 March 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Five Yemeni Baha’is are still in detention in #Yemen after armed Houthis raided a peaceful #Bahai gathering and detained 17 people. They are being held without charge or due process just because of their religion."

15 March 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you@amnestygulf for your ongoing support and unwavering focus on the detention of #Bahai #Yemeni citizens by the #Houthis."

7 March 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you to the Government of Yemen's intervention at the @UNHumanRights Council #HRC55 this week in defense of Baha'i rights in Houthi-controlled Yemen—where five Baha'is remain in prison after a violent May 2023 raid on a peaceful gathering."

6 March 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: “Thank you to @EU_UNGeneva for this support at the @UNHumanRights Council: 'The EU remains concerned about the violation of the human rights in the #Houthi controlled area in #Yemen ...' Five Yemeni Baha'is are still in jail after a violent May 2023 raid on a peaceful gathering."

6 March 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: "Thank you to @IrelandUNGeneva, #Paraguay and @UKMissionGeneva, who today in Geneva raised the persecution of the #Bahai community in #Iran and Houthi-controlled #Yemen at the @UNHumanRights Council with the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief@NazilaGhanea."
16 February 2024 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: “The Bahá'’í International Community is grateful to @FerasHamdouni from @WeareDTI for bringing attention this week at the #UnitedNations to the arbitrary detention of 17 #Bahai Yemenis in Sanaa by #Houthi gunmen in May 2023. Thank you for raising this ahead of Yemen’s Universal Periodic Review and for calling for the release of those still detained."
13 October 2023 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted: “A new UN Human Rights Council resolution, A/HRC/54/L.28, calls for the de facto Houthi authorities in Yemen to ‘end violence and discrimination’ and ‘targeting based on religion or belief’ – which encompasses human rights violations against Yemen’s Baha’i community.” Link to full text of resolution A/HRC/54/L.28 (English) (Arabic)
10 October 2023 -  The Baha’i International Community delivered an oral statement at the 54th Session of the Human Rights Council about the situation of the Baha'is in Yemen where many remain in detention after a violent raid on unarmed Baha'i civilians earlier this year.
18 September 2023 The Baha’i International Community tweeted: “Thank you to the Yemen Mission to UN - Geneva for addressing the attacks on Yemeni Baha'i citizens in Sana'a, at the UN  Human Rights Council today, and calling for the de facto Houthi authorities to stop its persecution of the Baha'i community.”
18 September 2023 The Baha’i International Community tweeted: “Thank you to Humanists International for defending the rights of the Baha’i community in Iran and Yemen today at the UN Human Rights Council.”
12 September 2023 -  The Baha’i International Community tweeted: “Thank you to Nadia Gamal (@EbrahimNadia) at Peace Track Initiative for this important support. Eleven Yemeni Baha’i citizens remain detained in Houthi-controlled Yemen – after suffering a violent raid, on 25 May – and must be released.”
12 July 2023 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted "UN Security Council President for July, Ambassador Woodward, 'spotlighted the ongoing detention of 13 #YemeniBahais and urged #Houthis to uphold freedom of religion and to release the remaining detainees– a call echoed by other delegations.' Read more here."
12 July 2023 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted excerpts from a statement of solidarity from tribes of Yemen "condemning the attack on 17 #Bahais in #Yemen. They call on #Houthis to release detainees & respect their right to #FORB and appeal to international & regional communities to defend & stand with #YemeniBahais." (Arabic
Read full statement by tribes of Yemen here: (English) (Arabic)
12 July 2023 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted "Thanks to international pressure, Ahmad Al Malahi – who is gravely ill – has been released today. We continue to urge all governments and international organizations to call for the release of all #YemenBahais immediately and unconditionally. #Bahai #Yemen" (Arabic)
6 July 2023 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted "40 days after the Baha’is of #Yemen were abducted by the #Houthis in Sana’a, 13 still remain detained. The Baha'i International Community remains seriously concerned about their wellbeing. We reiterate our call for their immediate and unconditional release." (Arabic)
30 June 2023 -  The Baha’i International Community delivered an oral statement at the Human Rights Council about the Baha'is in Yemen during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on peaceful assembly and of association. (HRC 53 Item 3). 
29 June 2023 - The Baha’i International Community tweeted "One of the Baha’is taken during a raid in #Yemen by #Houthi gunmen, on 25 May, is Ahmad Al Malahi who has a life-threatening condition. His health has worsened in detention, and he must be released and treated before it becomes too late. The Houthis are responsible for his life. the Baha’is immediately." (Arabic)
9 June 2023  The Baha’i International Community issued a press release titled "Houthi Grand Mufti targets Baha’is–UN Security Council to consider Yemen next week."  (English, Arabic)
1 June 2023  The Baha’i International Community tweeted "Seven days since 17 #YemeniBahais, incl 5 women, were forcibly disappeared after armed #Houthis stormed a peaceful gathering. For 7 days families anxiously await news. Among those left behind is a toddler bereft of his parents. The Houthis must release the Baha’is immediately." (Arabic)
28 May 2023   The Baha’i International Community tweeted "Update: The BIC has also been alerted to other incidents suggesting that the raid may be the first of more attempts by security to target Baha’is across Houthi-controlled Yemen. Details of these incidents are being withheld for security reasons." (Arabic)
27 May 2023  The Baha’i International Community issued a press release titled "Update: Armed Houthis attack peaceful Baha’i gathering, arresting at least 17, amid indications of widening crackdown." (English, Arabic
25 May 2023  The Baha’i International Community issued a press release titled "Armed Houthis attack peaceful Baha’i gathering, arresting at least 17, in fresh crackdown." (English, Arabic

23 March 2023- Statement delivered at the Human Rights Council regarding the Situation of the Baha'is in Yemen (HRC 52 Item 4)

16 October 2022 - Statement delivered at the Human Rights Council regarding the Situation of the Baha'is in Yemen (HRC 51 Item 10)

20 April 2022  The Baha’i International Community published a press release highlighting a statement from the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance (IRFBA) which notes “with grave concern the increased pattern of repression and discrimination against members of the Baha’i community.”

11 March 2022   The Baha’i International Community issued a press release titled "UN report decries 'criminalisation' and persecution of Baha’is across MENA region" which highlighted a new report and its annex by the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Dr Ahmed Shaheed, concerning the “increasing insecurity that Baha’i communities experience” in a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa region. (English, Arabic, Persian

14 September 2021 - Statement delivered at the Human Rights Council regarding the Situation of the Baha'is in Yemen (HRC 48 Item 2)

1 March 2021 - Statement delivered at the Human Rights Council regarding the Situation of the Baha'is in Yemen (HRC46 Item 2 GEE)

4 February 2021  The Baha’i International Community issued a press release titled "Houthi judicial farce puts Baha’i lives at risk in Yemen." (English, Arabic)

28 October 2020 –The Bahá’í International Community published a press release titled, “Sweden’s Foreign Minister meets Baha’is to express concern over human rights violations in Iran and Yemen,” which stated that Ann Linde, Foreign Minister of Sweden, met virtually with representatives of the Baha’i community of Sweden and the Baha’i International Community’s Brussels and Geneva offices to discuss the persecution of Baha’is in Iran and Yemen.

28 October 2020 – The Yemeni Initiative for Defending Bahá’í Rights published a video featuring the former six Bahá’í prisoners of Yemen, providing information about their forced departure from the country and their hopes to return back to their country.  

20 October 2020 – Diane Alai tweeted, “Honoured to participate in this historic meeting organised by @AndersOsterberg with Minister @AnnLinde and the #Bahai community of #Sweden @BahaiSverige. Thank you Minister for raising the #freedomofreligion or belief of the Baha'is with #Iran and the #Houthis in #Yemen.”

31 May 2020 - The Bahá’í International Community posted a statement titled, “Houthis endangering the lives of Baha’i prisoners during coronavirus pandemic.”

8 Apr 2020 - The Bahá’í International Community tweeted, “We are gravely concerned that the decision of the Supreme Political Council in #Yemen to pardon Hamed bin Haydara & all Baha’i prisoners has not yet been implemented. It is reported that the judiciary appear to be obstructing implementation of the order.”

8 Apr 2020 -  The Bahá’í International Community posted a statement titled, “Baha’i prisoners in Yemen must be released as promised.” 

25 Mar 2020 -  The Bahá’í International Community posted a statement titled, “Houthi authorities order the release of all Baha’i prisoners in Yemen.”

23 Mar 2020 - The Bahá’í International Community posted a statement titled, “Sana’a court upholds death sentence against Yemeni Baha’i.”

21 Mar 2020 - The Bahá’í International Community posted a statement titled, “Court Hearing of Yemeni Baha’i Unexpectedly Rescheduled to Tomorrow”

28 Feb 2020 - The Bahá’í International Community posted a statement titled, “News update: Latest sham court hearing against Baha’is in Sana’a”

23 Feb 2020 - The Bahá’í International Community posted a statement titled, “Electrocutions, beatings and mass arrests: Houthis’ Iran-inspired campaign against the Yemeni Baha’is.

21 Oct 2019 - The Bahá’í International Community published a statement titled, “Imminent ruling in Yemen could expand sentence against entire religious community.”

21 Oct 2019 - The Bahá’í International Community tweeted, “On 22 Oct 2019 an appeals court in Sana’a, Yemen is expected to pronounce its ruling to uphold a verdict to dissolve Bahá’í institutions and to execute a member of the Bahá’í community, Mr Hamed bin Haydara, who has been detained in Sana’a for over five years.”30 Sept - The Baha’i International Community issued a statement titled, “UN resolution calls on Houthis to cease judicial persecution of Baha’is.”

10 Sept 2019 - Baha’i International Community provides a statement on the persecution of the Baha’is of Yemen at the Human Rights Council Interactive Dialogue session no. 42. (see 1:08 for statement).

5 Feb 2019 – The Baha’i International Community issued a press release titled “BIC urges parties in Yemen to include Baha’is in Sana’a in prisoners exchange”. (EnglishTwitter)

12 Oct 2018 – Bahá’í International Community issued a press release titled “Member of Baha'i community arrested in Yemen” (English, Arabic)

10 Oct 2018 – Statement by multiple UN Special Rapporteurs “Yemen: UN experts calls for immediate release of Bahá’ís” (English)

30 Sept 2018 – Press release by Bahá’í International Community “Sham court proceedings endanger Baha’is in Yemen” (English, Arabic)

28 Sept 2018 – Press release by the Bahá’í International Community “UN resolution calls for release of detained Baha'is in Yemen” (English)

18 Sept 2018 – Press release by Bahá’í International Community “Houthis intensify suppression of Baha'i community through court in Sana'a” (English, Arabic, Persian)

18 Sept 2018 – Article by the Bahá’í World News Service “Baseless charges in Yemen signal intensified persecution” (English)

18 Apr 2018 – Press release by the Bahá’í International Community, “Inflammatory speech by the Houthi leader targets Baha’is in Yemen with genocidal intent” (English, Arabic).

Statements or major news articles by international organizations

25 May 2024 - The Delegation of the European Union to Yemen tweeted: "Today 25 May marks one year since the Houthis raided a Bahá’í gathering in Sana’a & abducted 17 members of the Baha'i community. The EU calls on the Houthis to immediately release the 5 Baha'is who remain in detention. The Houthis must respect the freedom of religion and belief."
24 May 2024 - The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies tweeted: "#FreeYemeniBahais 1 year since the arbitrary arrest of 17 Baha'is by the Houthis who raided a peaceful gathering in Sanaa, 5 of which remain arbitrarily detained, as a part of systematic violations on freedom of religious belief & expression legally guaranteed to Yemenis."
23 May 2024 - Amnesty International - Gulf region tweeted a thread calling for the Houthis to "release five members of the Baha'i community who have been arbitrarily detained in Sana’a without charges for almost a year" and to "immediately stop their hate speech which incites violence against Baha’is and other religious minorities." 
23 May 2024 - Amnesty International - MENA tweeted: "It’s completely unacceptable that people are being targeted and put behind bars simply for exercising their rights and practising their religion and belief. Huthi authorities must end the relentless persecution of members of the Baha’i community."
20 May 2024 - Five UN Special Rapporteurs and other UN experts made a joint statement "calling for the urgent release of five Baha'is who remain in detention one year after their abduction by de facto authorities in Yemen."
20 May 2024 - United Nations Special Procedures tweeted: "UN experts call for urgent release of five Baha'is who remain in detention one year after their abduction by de facto authorities in Yemen citing concern that the detainees are at serious risk of torture & other Human Rights violations."
17 May 2024 - Human Rights Watch's Niku Jafarnia posted a video statement calling for the release of the five remaining detained Yemeni Baha'is.
13 May 2024 - Ambassador Barbara Woodward from the UK Mission to the United Nations called for the release of the remaining five Yemeni Baha'is at the UN Security Council meeting on Yemen. 
13 May 2024 - Ambassador Vanessa Frazier from the Mission of Malta to the United Nations called for the release of the remaining five Yemeni Baha'is at the UN Security Council meeting on Yemen. 

3 April 2024 - Amnesty International - MENA  tweeted: "On 25 May, armed Huthi forces stormed a peaceful gathering of Baha’is in #Yemen, arbitrarily detaining 17 members of the Baha’i community. Since then, 12 individuals have been released following international pressure."

15 March 2023 - Amnesty International - Gulf region tweeted a thread about the Yemeni Baha’is, calling on the "Huthi de facto authorities [to] immediately and unconditionally release all remaining Baha’i detainees."

5 January 2024 - Amnesty International - Belgium launched a letter writing campaign calling for the release of the remaining 6 detained Baha'is in Yemen. 

22 September 2023 - Amnesty International issued an urgent action update about 11 Yemeni Baha’is, nine men and two women, who have been in Houthi custody for 100 days.

22 September 2023 - Amnesty International Arabic tweeted:  “11 Baha’is have been forcibly disappeared for 100 days. On May 25, 2023, Houthi armed forces launched a violent attack on a peaceful gathering of Baha’is in Sana’a, Yemen. They detained 17 people, including five women, and forcibly disappeared them.”

22 September 2023 - Amnesty International Gulf region tweeted: “Huthi de facto authorities must IMMEDIATELY release 11 forcibly disappeared Baha’i individuals, among them human rights & humanitarian workers. They have been held more than 100 days for exercising their right to freedom of religion and belief.”

22 September 2023 - Amnesty International - Gulf region tweeted a photo and profile of one of the detained Yemeni Baha’is: “Abdullah Al-Olofi is among the disappeared. He is a father of four and a human rights activist who has trained activists on peaceful coexistence and freedom of religion and belief, as well as worked on improving the quality of humanitarian work during disaster response.”

22 September 2023 - Amnesty International - Gulf region tweeted a photo and profile of one of the detained Yemeni Baha’is: “Hassan Tariq Thabet is also among the disappeared. He is a father to a two-year-old toddler and a humanitarian worker who worked in food distribution with a Ministry of Education project and championed the cause of children’s education and youth empowerment.”

22 September 2023 - Amnesty International - Gulf region tweeted a photo and profile of one of the detained Yemeni Baha’is: “Abdul’elah Muhammad Al-Boni, also among the disappeared, is a father of two with another child on the way. He is deeply involved in charity work and community service and has initiated projects aimed at fostering community harmony.”

22 August 2023 - The Delegation of the European Union to Yemen tweeted "On International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence based on Religion or Belief, @EUinYemen calls for the immediate, unconditional release of members of the  Baha'i community detained in Sanaa. Freedom of belief is a basic human right." (Arabic)

21 August 2023 - The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies issued a statement—also signed by four other groups—demanding “the immediate release of the abductees and an end to the inflammatory rhetoric of hate directed at religious minorities and Baha’is in Yemen.” (Arabic)

16 August 2023 - UN Media covered the UN Security Council Meeting where several delegations called for the immediate and unconditional release of Yemeni Baha'is being detained by the Houthis. 

8 August 2023 - Amnesty International issued an urgent action letter writing campaign for "11 Baha’is forcibly disappeared at great risk" in Yemen. They call on the Houthis to immediately and unconditionally release these remaining 11 detained Yemeni Baha'is.

10 July 2023 - UN Media covered the UN Security Council Meeting where several delegations called for the immediate and unconditional release of the 13 remaining Yemeni Baha'is being detained by the Houthis. 

19 June 2023 - The Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council tweeted "UN experts urge de facto authorities in #Yemen to release 16 Baháʼís disappeared by the Houthi militia in Sana’a four weeks ago. The abduction of these individuals and concealment of their whereabouts are tantamount to enforced disappearance."

19 June 2023 - The Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council issued a statement calling for the urgent release of the Baha'is abducted by de facto authorities in Yemen last month.
13 June 2023 - Amnesty International launched an urgent action letter writing campaign calling on "the Huthi de facto authorities to urgently disclose the fate and whereabouts of the 16 Baha’i detainees in their custody and to immediately and unconditionally release them." As well as calling on them "to end all forms of discrimination and persecution of the Baha’i minority and all others who are targeted solely for the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of religion and belief."
12 June 2023 - UN Dispatch, published an article titled, "The Persecution of Baha’is in Yemen Endangers the Country’s Path to Peace."
9 June 2023 - The Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Jeremy Laurence, made a statement about the wrongful detention of the Baha'is in Sana'a at a press briefing. He also noted that the language used by the Grand Mufti of Sana'a in his hate-filled speech against the Baha'is "starkly defies international law." (Recording)
9 June 2023 - The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) tweeted "We urge immediate release of 16 people held incommunicado. We condemn use of any language that incites discrimination & violence against followers of minority Baha’i faith. Authorities must respect human rights of people living under their control." 
9 June 2023 - The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued a statement about the recent detention of Baha'is, and condemned the use of hate speech by the Houthis. 
7 June 2023 - Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights (JBI) tweeted "Armed Houthi gunmen attacked the Baha’I community in Yemen, arbitrarily detaining & forcibly disappearing 17 Baha'I who were peacefully practicing their faith. All prisoners should be released immediately & unconditionally & their location identified."
5 June 2023 - Fiona Bruce, Chair of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance (IRFBA) and UK Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief tweeted "Appalled to hear of the recent raids on peaceful Baha’i gatherings in #Yemen by armed Houthi gunmen.  I call for their right to freedom of religion or belief to be protected and for all those detained to be released immediately."
1 June 2023 - The Delegation of the European Union to Yemen tweeted "EU Heads of Mission are deeply concerned at the recent detention of 17 members of the Baha’i community in Sana’a, including 5 women. They should be released, as well as other members of the Baha’i community detained previously."  (Arabic)
1 June 2023 - The Delegation of the European Union to Yemen tweeted "Freedom of Religion and Belief should not be impaired in #Yemen, in line with respective obligations under international law."
30 May 2023 - Human Rights Watch published an article titled "Yemen: Houthis Forcibly Disappear Baha’is."

22 August 2020 - Eman Homaid, founder of INSAF for Defending Minority Rights, posted on Facebook: “Dear Sirs, did you know that the Houthis held a court hearing today, and the judges claim that they did not know that the Baha'is were released and exiled outside the country? Now they want to blackmail the conscientious merchants and want to prosecute the Baha'is as fleeing justice ?! what do you think? How does one come to terms with these militias and criminals? May God judge you, Saleh Al-Hanashi. I command you to God.”

31 July 2020 - The Delegation of the European Union to Yemen published a statement titled, “Yemen: Statement by the Spokesperson on the release of members of the Baha’i community,” which mentioned that the European Union welcomes the release of members of the Baha'i community by the movement Ansar Allah after their prolonged detention and commends the efforts of the UN, notably the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, in securing the release of the members of the Baha'i community, as well as the generous facilitation of the Ethiopian government.

31 July 2020 - The All Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief tweeted, “Yemen's Houthis release Bahai leader sentenced to death over apostasy. Rebel movement releases six men, including leader of religious minority in Yemen, who was sentenced to death on charges related to apostasy and spying for Israel.”

25 June 2020 - United Nations Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen published a statement titled, “UN experts call for further and swifter measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, particularly in detention facilities in Yemen” in relation to the coronavirus and which called for the release of the Bahá’ís. 

9 Apr 2020 - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom published a statement titled, “USCIRF Calls on Houthis in Yemen to Abide by Commitment to Release Hamid bin Haydara.”

7 Apr 2020 - Amnesty International Arabic, tweeted, “On March 25, #Houthi leader announced the release of all Baha'i prisoners, including Hamid Haydara. While we welcome this initial step, we urge the Houthi authorities to release Hamid and the other detainees imprisoned due to their peaceful activism or the expression of their political views. read more.”

4 Apr 2020 - Ahmed Shaheed, a United Nations Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, tweeted, “Following the order of the President of the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a, #Yemen, to release all #Bahai’s, I urge the authoriries to implement the order ASAP & unconditionally release all Bahai’s detained for their beliefs & to drop all charges against them. @UNGeneva.” 

26 Mar 2020 - The International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief tweeted, “We are thrilled to learn about the order to release all #Bahai prisoners in Yemenand the pardon granted to Hamid bin Haydara! With the international community, we now call for the immediate implementation of this order.” 

26 Mar 2020 - Michael Aron, British Ambassador to Yemen, tweeted, “We welcome Mahdi al-Mashat’s decision to release all Bahá’í prisoners including Hamed bin Haydara. the freedom of religion is sacred. The release of all prisoners of conscience must be called for, and the prisoner swap must finalized as agreed upon in Stockholm Agreement.” 

16 Jan 2020 - Human Rights Watch [Arabic], published an article titled, “Yemen: Wartime violation abuses face global spotlight,” which mentioned the persecutions of the Bahá’ís of Yemen.

14 Jan 2020 - Human Rights Watch published an article titled, “Yemen: Wartime violation abuses face global spotlight,” which mentioned the persecution of the Bahá’í of Yemen.

10 Nov 2019 - The Sana’a Centre for Strategic Studies, a Yemen-based independent think-tank, published a report titled, “Riyadh picks up the pieces – the Yemen review, October 2019,” which included the latest updates on the case of Mr. Haydara and the court’s order to seize assets of Mr. Haydara.

8 Nov 2019 - Forbes published an article titled, “On why we need to reaffirm human dignity,” which made mention of the persecution of the Baha’is of Yemen.

7 Nov 2019 - The Washington Times published an article titled, “U.S. Commission on international religious freedom database lists religious prisoners across globe,” which listed Mr. Haydara’s case as a case of religious prisoner of conscience sponsored by the Commission.

22 Oct 2019 - MSN, a Microsoft news network, published an article titled, “Baha’i community fears deportations as Yemen sentence looms.”

21 Oct 2019 - Al-Monitor, a US-based media site monitoring the Middle East, published an article titled, “Bahá’í community fears deportations as Yemen sentence looms.”

21 Oct 2019 - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom tweeted, “Commissioner Andy Khawaja: I am alarmed by reports a Houthi court in Yemen may issue a decision at its 21 Oct session to seize Bahá’í assets & deport Bahá’ís. The court must cease persecution of Bahá’ís & release Bahá’í leader Hamid bin Haydara.”

21 Oct 2019 - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom tweeted, “Read USCIRF’s press statement on Houthi persecution of Baha’is in Yemen.”

21 Oct 2019 - Afrah Nasser, a researcher a Human Rights Watch, tweeted, “After sentencing 1 of the community’s leaders to death, Houthis continue their persecution against the country’s Bahá’í minority.  The Bahá’í Intl’ Community @BahaiBIC reports that Houthis plan to criminalize the entire Bahá’í community, in court tomorrow.”

21 Oct 2019 - Andrew Gilmore, UN assistant secretary-general for human rights, tweeted, “Bahá’ís are tragically persecuted in many places on basis of their faith. Especially Yemen. Death sentences, deportation threats and confiscation of assets. We appeal to Sana’a authorities to drop charges against Bahá’ís, release them, and allow freedom of religion and movement.”

21 Oct 2019 - Shaun Tandon, State Department correspondent at Agence France-Presse, tweeted, “The Bahá’í community fears that a court under Huthi control could order their mass expulsion out of Yemen.”

30 Sept 2019 - The Guardian, a British newspaper, published an article titled, “Now it’s just ghosts’: Yemenis living under the shadow of death by airstrike,” which made mention of the persecution of the Baha’is in Yemen.

10 Sept 2019 - The Government of the United Kingdom published an article titled, “UN Human Rights Council 42: Interactive Dialogue on Yemen,” which made mention of the UK’s concern of the religious persecution of the Baha’i community in Yemen.

6 Sept 2019 - The Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen published a report focusing on the situation of human rights in Yemen, which included a section on the persecution of the Baha’i community in Yemen.

16 Jul 2019 – Mwatana for Human Right, Yemen-based human rights organization, published a report titled, “Withering Life,” which refers to the persecution against the Baha’is ofYemen in section 3.3.

29 Apr 2019 – Agnes Callamard, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Right and a director at Columbia University, tweeted, “Our latest statement: “We cannot accept the injustice of having anyone punished by death on the grounds of his religion or belief and for belonging to a religious minority.”

5 Feb 2019 – The following news agencies share the 5 February press release by the Baha'i International Community, "Baha’is urge parties in Yemen to include Baha’is in Sana’a in prisoners exchange". (AP articleMarketScreener article)

25 Jan 2019 – The panel of experts on Yemen shared a report dated 25 January to the President of the Security Council which includes a section on intolerance and discrimination against religious minority groups, including the Baha’is. (English)

23 Jan 2019 – The International Committee of the Red Cross provided a statement on the agreement to release and transfer conflict-related detainees in Yemen. The statement confirmed that the ICRC has carried out necessary preparations on the ground, increased its personnel in Yemen, and is preparing two planes, to shuttle detainees between Sana’a and Sayoun. (English)

23 Jan 2019 – Reuters published and article titled “Yemen prisoner swap terms expected in coming days, government delegate says”

30 Nov 2018 – Mention of Bahá’ís in a statement by the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Andrew Gilmour regarding his visit to Yemen (English)

20 Nov 2018 – Mention of Bahá’ís in a statement issued by the United Religions Initiative, The Charter of Compassion, and The Parliament of the World’s Religions titled “Global Interfaith Coalition Calls for Immediate Ceasefire and Administration of Aid in Yemen” (English)

9 Nov 2018 – Frank Baylis, Member of Parliament, posted the following in English and in French: “The government has put out a Joint Statement on Bahá’ís in Yemen. It is completely unacceptable to be targeting a religious minority. …” (English, French)

9 November 2018 – Michael Levitt, Member of Parliament, posted “Proud of joint leadership by Canada, US, AUS, GER denouncing the persecution of Baha’i in Yemen by Houthi authorities. Arbitrary arrest, detention, torture, and execution for religious beliefs is grossly unacceptable. #cdnpoli #humanrights @CanadaBahai (English)

9 Nov 2018 – An article by Michael Welton was published on Counter Punch titled “The Fate of Yemen’s Baha’is” English

8 Nov 2018 – Statement co-signed by governments of Australia, Canada, Germany and the United States expressing concern regarding the worsening treatment of the Baha’is in Yemen and calling for the release of those detained (English)

10 Oct 2018 – Statement by multiple UN Special Rapporteurs “Yemen: UN experts calls for immediate release of Bahá’ís” (English)

4 Oct 2018 – Resolution by the European Parliament expressing concerns about the deteriorating humanitarian and human rights crisis in Yemen and including reference to the persecution of the Bahá’ís in Yemen (English)

27 Sept 2018 – Statement signed by 22 lawyers from various countries––including Argentina, Australia, Canada, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, India, Ireland, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the Netherlands—and published by Open Canada “A call to protect the Baha’i minority in Yemen” (English)

25 Sept 2018 – Mention of Baha’is in report by Human Rights Watch “Yemen: Houthi Hostage–Taking” (English)

18 Sept 2018 – Statement by Amnesty International “Yemen: 24 Baha’i people, including a child, facing possible death penalty” (English)

17 Aug 2018 – Mention of Bahá’ís in report by Group of Regional and International Eminent Experts on the human rights situation in Yemen (English, Arabic)

5 May 2018 – Statement by the Euro–Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, “Yemen: Mass executions in Houthi group courts” (English, Arabic, French)

May 2018 – Report by Mwatanah Organization’s on the state of human rights in Yemen, including the situation of the Bahá’ís  (English, Arabic)

16 Mar 2018 – Question presented by Pascal Arimont (PPE) regarding the death sentence of Mr. Haydara and concerns for religious minorities to the European Commission (English)

18 Feb 2018 – Question by Dennis de Jong (GUE/NGL) regarding the situation of the Baha’is in Yemen and Mr. Hamed Haydara’s death sentence to the EU Commission (Vice–President/High Representative) (English) as well as answer by  High Representative/Vice–President Mogherini (English)

Statements or media coverage at the national and local levels

30 May 2024 -The US Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council, H.E. Michèle Taylor tweeted: "We call for the release - without delay or conditions - of the remaining 5 Baha'is unlawfully detained for over a year in Yemen. Members of the Baha'i community and other vulnerable religious groups should be free to practice their faith without fear of persecution."
30 May 2024 -The US Office of International Religious Freedom tweeted: "We call for the release - without delay or conditions - of the remaining 5 Baha'is unlawfully detained for over a year in Yemen. Members of the Baha'i community and other vulnerable religious groups should be free to practice their faith without fear of persecution."
28 May 2024 - The Abductees' Mothers Association, a Yemeni human rights organization formed of the mothers and wives of the abducted and disappeared, and activists working in the field of freedom and human rights, concerned with detainees' issues Sana'a, issued a statement condemning the continued Houthi abduction of five Baha’i individuals. 
25 May 2024 - The Vice-President of the EU Parliament Mr. Marc Angel tweeted: "I remain worried about violations against the Baha'i community and other religious minorities in Yemen. The de facto Houthi authorities should urgently release the Baha'is still detained from when they were arrested one year ago today."
24 May 2024 -  The Ambassador of Yemen to Belgium H.E. Mohamed Taha Mustafa called for the immediate release of the five Baha'is that have been detained since 25 May last year, following a violent raid of a Baha'i gathering in Sanaa.
24 May 2024 -  A cross-party group of members of the Austrian Parliament made a joint statement "calling for the Houthis to respect freedom of religion or belief and to immediately and unconditionally release the five Baha'is still detained in Houthi-controlled Yemen."
14 May 2024 - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) called for the release of the five Baha'is still detained in Houthi-controlled Yemen.
14 May 2024 - Member of Parliament of the Netherlands Mr. Caspar Veldkamp called for the release of unlawfully imprisoned Baha'is in Houthi-controlled Yemen.
14 May 2024 - Austrian Member of Parliament Dr. Harald Troch called for the release of the unlawfully detained Yemeni Baha'is at a session of the Austrian Parliament. 
11 May 2024 - The Yemeni Minister of Information and Culture Mr. Moammar Al-Eryani posted a statement of support for the detained Yemeni Baha'is in Houthi-controlled Yemen. 
24 March 2024 - Yemen Future published an online article (in Arabic) titled "The Baha'i Community renews its call for the release of its five members who have been detained by the Houthis for ten months."
12 September 2023 - Peace Track Initiative tweeted: "Baha’i minority continues to face increased targeting, the latest was the arbitrary arrest of 17 Baha’is including 5 women on 25th May by the Houthis. To date, 11 remain arbitrarily [arrested] including two women, and are being pressured to denounce their faith."
11 September 2023 - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) tweeted: “Vice Chair Frederick Davie at USCIRF: After 8 yrs of brutal war in Yemen religious minority life in Houthi-controlled areas faces near-total extinction; Houthi targeting of Baha’is, Christians, Jews, and non-religious persons has compelled many to flee south or leave Yemen entirely."
19 July 2023 - The Yemeni Initiative for Defending Baha'i Rights tweeted "55 days of Houthi raid & arbitrary detention of #Bahais We call for immediate, unconditional release of all Baha'is. Sustainable peace in #Yemen requires: 1- Inclusivity 2- Coexistence 3- Justice 4- Human rights" (Arabic)

15 July 2023 - The Yemeni Initiative for Defending Baha'i Rights tweeted "Urgent appeal: 50 days of relentless persecution against Baha'is in Yemen. The arbitrary detention of 17 #Bahais, remaining 12 in detention, by #Houthis is deeply concerning. We Call for their immediate and unconditional release" (Arabic)
12 July 2023 - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) tweeted "USCIRF Commissioner Stephen Schneck: Despite this positive development, 12 Baha’is remain in detention in Sana’a. The U.S. government must continue urging Houthi leaders to immediately & unconditionally release all Baha'i detainees." 
12 July 2023 -The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) tweeted "USCIRF Chair Abraham Cooper: We are thrilled by reports confirming the release of Yemeni Baha'i detainee Ahmad Al Malahi who was taken during a Houthi raid on a Baha’i gathering in May."
10 July 2023 - The US State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom (IRF) tweeted "The Houthi forces’ detention of 17 Baha'is in May was appalling  – especially as they continue to detain 13 people. We call for the immediate & unconditional release of the remaining 13 and will work with others to support religious freedom in Yemen. We similarly call for provision of medical treatment for and immediate release of Ahmad Al Malahi, a member of the Yemeni Baha’i community who Houthi forces have detained and who suffers from a severe chronic medical condition."
24 June 2023 - The Yemeni Initiative for Defending Baha'i Rights tweeted (in Arabic) "Thirty days since the arrest of 17 Baha'is by the #Houthis including 5 women. A new escalation in the series of #Baha'i persecution and arbitrary arrests."
21 June 2023 - The Adyan Foundation for Diversity, Solidarity and Human Dignity issued a statement calling upon “the Houthis to immediately release the detained Baha'is and ensure their safety and well-being," and for “relevant stakeholders, including civil society organizations, faith-based activists, and human rights advocates to stand in solidarity with Baha'is and other persecuted groups to ensure their safety and protect their rights.” (English) (Arabic)
20 June 2023 - The Ambassador of Norway to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and Bahrain, H.E Thomas Lid Ball, tweeted “We echo the call of UN experts for the urgent release of 16 Bahá’ís abducted by de facto authorities in Yemen last month."
18 June 2023 -The Ambassador of Switzerland in the Sultanate of Oman and in the Republic of Yemen, H.E. Thomas Oertle, tweeted "On this Int. Day for #CounteringHateSpeech we take action and say #NoToHate. To reach the furthest behind first, we ought to embrace the most vulnerable: marginalized communities such as #IDPs and #muhamasheen, religious minorities such as #Bahais, or people with #disabilities."
19 June 2023 - The French Mission to the United Nations tweeted "France calls for the immediate release of the 15 Baha'is detained by the Houthis in Sanaa and reaffirms its commitment to freedom of belief." (French)
9 June 2023 - The Abductees' Mothers Association, a Yemeni human rights organization formed of the mothers and wives of the abducted and disappeared, and activists working in the field of freedom and human rights, concerned with detainees' issues Sana'a, issued a statement condemning the enforced disappearance of 17 Baha'is who were kidnapped in Sana'a last month by security personnel. They also stated that they "hold the Houthis fully responsible for their lives and safety." (English) (Arabic)
6 June 2023 - Swedish Global Bar Magazine published an article titled "Jemen: Ny attack mot baha’ierna." translated as: “Yemen: New attack against the Baha'is.” 
4 June 2023 - The UK Ambassador to Yemen, H.E. Richard Oppenheim, tweeted "The UK condemns the recent spate of Houthi raids on peaceful Baha'i gatherings and the worrying disappearance of those attending. All Yemenis have the right to practice their religion freely and the UK calls on the Houthis to respect that right."
2 June 2023 - Canada’s Office of Human Rights, Freedoms and Inclusion tweeted "Canada condemns the Houthi attack on the Baha’i community in Yemen. We urge the Houthis to release the 17 people they have arbitrarily detained. We are concerned by ongoing discrimination and harassment against the Baha’i and support their right to freely practise their faith."
31 May 2023 - The US State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom (IRF) tweeted "We condemn this attack on the Yemeni Baha'i community and call for the immediate release of detained Baha’i. This is a terrible targeting of innocent Yemenis who were simply practicing their faith."
31 May 2023 - Ambassador Fagin of the US Embassy to Yemen tweeted "We condemn the May 25 Houthi raid on a peaceful gathering of Baha’i in Sana’a resulting in the forced disappearance of at least 17 people. We stand with the people of #Yemen and their right to freedom of religion, expression, and association."
31 May, 2023 The French Embassy in Yemen tweeted in French. "France condemns the arbitrary arrest of 17 people from the Baha'i community who gathered peacefully on May 25 in Sanaa. France calls for their immediate release."
31 May, 2023 The French Embassy in Yemen tweeted in French. "We condemn the flagrant attacks on freedom of thought and religious freedom in the Houthi area. Full support for the Yemeni people in their right to free expression." 
30 May 2023 - The European Times published an article about the Houthi attack on the peaceful gathering of Baha'is in Yemen. 
27 May 2023 - The Telegraph UK published an article about the Houthi attack on the peaceful gathering of Baha'is in Yemen. 

26 May 2023 - The National Council for Minorities in Yemen issued a statement regarding what the members of the Baha’i minority were subjected to as a result of the storming of their peaceful annual meeting by the Houthi militia in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a.

11 May 2023 -  The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) issued a factsheet titled "Religious Freedom in Houthi-Controlled Areas of Yemen" which outlines how the Houthis "use a panoply of tools and tactics — such as forced employee contracts, oral directives, deputizing civilians, propaganda, indoctrination camps, and education curricula — to harass, defame, and incite hatred against vulnerable faith communities" including members of the Baha'i Faith. 

4 February 2021 – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom tweeted, “USCIRF Chair @G_Manchin: "We unequivocally condemn the Houthi's latest targeting of #Yemen's Baha'i community. This reckless endangerment of people's lives flagrantly violates freedom of religion or belief."

28 October 2020 – The Yemeni Initiative for Defending Bahá’í Rights published a video featuring the former six Bahá’í prisoners of Yemen, providing information about their forced departure from the country and their hopes to return back to their country. 

23 August 2020 - Al-Araby al-Jadeed, a London-based Arabic news site, published an article titled, “The Houthis try 24 Bahá’ís, including six who were deported from the country.” 

7 August 2020 - Al-Arab, a pan-Arab newspaper published from London, England, published an article titled, “Iranian instructions resulting in the elimination of the Bahá’ís in Yemen.” 

4 August 2020 - Asharq al-Awsat, a Saudi London-based news site, published an article titled, “Forcible exile…a war crime committed by the Houthis, “ which states that the Houthis’ actions, including deporting the Bahá’ís, which are linked to Iran, is creating a cultural and intellectual deviation, by eliminating any component of society that disagreed with Houthi/Iranian political and religious thought. 

2 August 2020 - Asharq Al-Awsat, an Arabic London-based Saudi news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “Houthis deport six Bahá’ís from Yemen,” which mentioned that the six Bahá’í prisoners signed statements under the Houthis that they requested to leave Yemen.

2 August 2020 - Urdu Point, a Pakistani news site, published an Arabic article titled, “Yemeni Media Minister: Forcing the Houthis 6 Bahais to leave their homeland is a crime against humanity.”

2 August 2020 - 24, a United Arab Emirates-based news site, published an Arabic article titled, “Yemen government official: deporting the Bahá’ís is a crime,” which mentioned a statement by the Yemeni Human Rights deputy minister, “Deporting the Baha'is by the Houthi militia out of Yemen, a crime no less terrible than the crime of kidnapping them from their homes, confiscating and looting their money and property, hiding them in detention for years, and subjecting them to the worst forms of psychological and physical torture.”

31 July 2020 - France 24 published an article in Arabic titled, “Yemen: Houthis release six Bahá’í prisons after years of imprisonment.”

31 July 2020 - Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon, UK Minister of State, tweeted, “The release yesterday of members of the Baha’i community unjustly detained by the Houthis is long overdue. No one should be imprisoned simply because of their religious beliefs. #FoRBMatters.”

30 July 2020 - Associated Press News published an article titled, “Lawyer: Yemeni rebels free 6 Baha’i prisoners held for years,” which stated that the  Houthi judicial officials stated that the Baha’is were required to leave Yemen as a condition of their release.

30 July 2020 - The New York Times published an article titled, “Lawyer: Yemeni Rebels Free 6 Baha’i Prisoners Held for Years.”

30 July 2020 - Reuters published an article titled, “Yemen's Houthis release six Baha'i prisoners,” which stated that Yemen’s Houthi authorities released six Baha’i faith members from prison, where United Nations human rights experts said they had been held as prisoners of conscience because of their beliefs, a Houthi official and Baha’i sources said.

30 July 2020 - Haaretz, an Israeli news site, published an article titled, “Lawyer: Yemeni Rebels Free 6 Baha’i Prisoners Held for Years.”

30 July 2020 - Elaph, an independent Arabic London-based news site, published an article titled, The Houthis imprisoned them as a part of a religious persecution: Six Bahá’í prisoners released in Yemen.”  

30 July 2020 - Middle East Eye, a London-based news outlet, published an article titled, “Yemen's Houthis release Bahai leader sentenced to death over apostasy,” which mentioned that while the Houthi movement has said its detentions of those hailing from the Bahai community were based on charges unrelated to religious freedoms, much of the international community has disagreed, accusing the Houthis of religious persecution and repeatedly calling for the charges to be dropped.

30 July 2020 - Anadolu Agency, a Turkish state- run news agency, published an article in Arabic titled, “Yemen… Houthis release six detained Bahá’ís.”

1 July 2020 - The Financial Times published an article (see attached) titled, “Yemen needs international helps to escape tragedy,” written by the Foreign Ministers of Sweden, United Kingdom and Germany.  Among other things, the Ministers stated “We call on the Houthis to implement their announcement to release members of the Baha’i faith.” 

1 July 2020 - Asharq Al-Awsat, a London-based Arabic international news site, published an article titled, “Yemen, which will rise after peace,” which provided a translation of the statement led by the Swedish Foreign Minister concerning Yemen and which called the Houthis to release the Bahá’í prisoners.

30 June 2020 - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom published a press release titled, “USCIRF Releases Yemen Country Update Highlighting Houthi Religious Freedom Violations,” which included the following statement about the Bahá’í prisoners in Yemen: “Baha’is remaining in Yemen are at a particularly elevated risk. Houthi authorities announced in March that all six detained members of the Baha’i community, including USCIRF religious prisoner of conscience Hamid bin Haydara, would be released. However, these prisoners remain incarcerated and at a high risk of contracting COVID-19.”

26 June 2020 - Jos Douma, the Dutch Ambassador and Special Envoy for Religion and Belief, tweeted, “With members and friends of the #IRFAlliance I call on the #Houthis to follow through on their March announcement to release the six #Bahai prisoners of conscience in their custody, also given the risk posed by the spread of #COVID19 in #Yemen. #3monthsbynow #FoRB4all.”

26 June 2020 - Ghamdan Alyousefi, a Netherland-based Yemeni Journalist, tweeted, “Dutch special envoy for religions and beliefs calls on Houthis to fulfill what they announced in March and release prisoners of conscience.”

25 June 2020 - Ambassador Brownback, U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, tweeted, “We join members of the #IRFAlliance in calling on the Houthis to follow through on their March announcement to release the six Bahai prisoners of conscience in their custody, particularly given the heightened risk posed by the spread of #COVID19 in #Yemen.”

25 June 2020 - Shafaqna South Africa, an International Shia news association, published an article titled, “UN experts* call for further and swifter measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, particularly in detention facilities in Yemen.”

25 June 2020 - The United States Commission on the International Religious Freedom in its annual report included a segment about the Houthi’s systematic persecution of the Bahá’ís of Yemen. 

13 Apr 2020 - Hind Al-Eryani tweeted in Arabic.  A provisional translation of her tweet is as follows: “Mr. Mohamed Abdel Salam [the official Houthi spokesperson and previous Ambassador of the Houthis to Iran], when I saw you at the Stockholm conference, I said to myself, "This guy looks smart." Do you think it is smart, when you represent a "state" and get everyone to praise the news of you pardoning an oppressed group who are Baha'is, but then ignore the implementation before the world? I don't think this is wise, but you can change that.”

13 Apr 2020 - Hind Al-Eryani tweeted in Arabic.  A provisional translation of her tweet is as follows:  “The Criminal Prosecutor submitted to the Security and Intelligence Agency the release note of the Bahais this morning, but the security apparatus intentionally not released them without reason.  If you are satisfied with this, then this is in violation of the promise you made before God and the world. If you are not satisfied, then you must change this injustice.
@abdusalamsalah [the official Houthi spokesperson and previous Ambassador of the Houthis to Iran], 
@hussinalezzi5 [the Houthi Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs].”

13 Apr 2020 - Ahmed Al-Haj, a contact for the Associated Press in Yemen tweeted about the Bahá’is in Arabic. A provisional translation of his tweet is as follows: “Frankly, this is very much, for all the complications, regarding the release of the Baha'is. To this day, Bin Haidara's file remains unresolved, from the Division’s Primary Office !! As for the directives to release the five, the others have already reached the Intelligence Department !! The important thing is, as if to say: a caravan has returned the stages throughout !!”

10 Apr 2020 - Eman Homaid, chairperson for INSAF Center for Defending Freedoms and Minorities tweeted in Arabic.  A provisional translation of his tweet is as follows: “I obtained exclusively from a private source the photos of the memos of the Presidential Office, the Attorney General, and the Criminal Prosecution Office, to work according to the order of Al-Mashat's to release the Baha'is, and pardons and release Hamid bin Haidara. I hope for the speedy implementation and release of all detainees. And everyone should unite to confront Corona virus.”

10 Apr 2020 - Ahmed al-Hag, a Yemeni contact for the Associated Press tweeted in Arabic.  A provisional translation of his tweet is as follows:  “I received a call from the Public Prosecutor's Office, stating that the process of releasing the Baha'i brothers, needs legal procedures, and steps to implement the amnesty decision from President Mahdi Al-Mashat, and he said that talking about procrastination, the prosecution is incorrect !! In any case, we wait, Saturday or Sunday, according to the prosecution’s promise !!”

8 Apr 2020 - Voice Yemen, an Arabic local Yemeni news site, published an article in Arabic.  A provisional translation of the title is as follows: “The Houthi militia refuse the orders of Al-Mashat to release the Bahá’ís.”

7 Apr 2020 - Eman Homaid, Chairperson of INSAF Center for Defending Freedoms and Minorities, tweeted, “It has been more than ten days since the Houthis’ decision in Sanaa to release all Baha'is, and no one was released until this moment !!! We demand the international community and all human rights organizations to play their part in implementing the provisions for the release of all detainees because of their beliefs, without conditions or restrictions. #Freedom_prisonment.”

17 Feb 2020 - Insaf, a non-governmental organization based in Aden, Yemen, addressed a letter to the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, Mr. Martin Griffiths, expressing concern for the prisoners and detainees and calling for the inclusion of the Bahá’ís in the prisoners exchange and their release.

30 Jan 2020 - The British Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mrs. Heather Wheeler, made a statement which included calling for the immediate release of all Bahá’í is in Iran and Yemen.

De 2019 - INSAF Centre for Minority Rights, published its first book in December 2019 titled, Minorities in Yemen, which included a section on the Bahá’ís of Yemen and a history of the persecution of the Bahá’ís in Yemen and well as their history in the country.

28 Oct 2019 - British Minister of State, Andrew Murrison, makes a statement condemning the mistreatment of the Baha’is of Yemen.

21 Oct 2019 - The Daily Mail, a British newspaper, published an article titled, “Baha’i community fears deportations as Yemen sentence looms.”

21 Oct 2019 - France 24, a French state-owned international news network, published an article titled, “Baha’i community fears deportations as Yemen sentences looms.”

21 Oct 2019 - Daily Mail, a United Kingdom based news site, published an article titled, “Bahá’í community fears deportations as Yemen sentence looms.”

21 Oct 2019 - Al Yaman Al Araby, a Yemen based news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “The Bahá’í International reveals Houthi pressures targeting its community in Sana’a.”

21 Oct 2019 - Yemen Akhbar, a Yemen based news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “The Bahá’í community concerned of Houthi ruling against its members in Yemen.”1 Oct 2019 - Kyle Orton, a British researcher, tweeted, “In Yemen, there is immense resentment at the Saudi coalition, and in the Iran-backed Huthi zones, dissenters are routinely imprisoned and tortured, and the Baha’i religion minority have been persecuted as Israeli spies.”

17 Sept 2019  - El Comercio, a Peruvian newspaper published an article in Spanish titled, “Who are the Houthis, the rebel group that claimed attacks on Saudi Arabic,” which made mention of the persecution of the Baha’is in Yemen.

16 Sept 2019 - A private member motion in support of the Australian Baha’i community was made in the House of Representatives at the Australian Federal Parliament on 16 September 2019, which made mention of the situation of the Baha’is in Yemen.

22 Aug 2019 – Michael Aaron, the British ambassador to Yemen, tweeted, “Baha’is in Yemen have suffered because of their faith. This must stop. In particular we call on the Houthis to release those arbitrarily detained and allow all Baha’is to practice their religion and live freely in Yemen.”

23 Jul 2019 – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, tweeted, “Tomorrow a Houthi court in #Yemen will hold a hearing for Baha’i religious prisoner of conscious Hamed bin Haydara. USCIRF calls on the #Houthis to drop all charges and to immediately release him and all other accused.  #YemenBahais.”

22 Jul 2019 – Elaph, a London-based independent Arabic news site, published an article titled, “Twitter suspends Iranian agency account on Twitter due to targeting of the Baha’is.”

11 Jul 2019 – British Member of Parliament, Baroness Goldie, made mention of the persecution of the Baha’is of Yemen during a parliamentary debate.14 May – British Member of Parliament, Diana Johnson, asked the Foreign Secretary about the persecution and mistreatment of the Baha’i Faith by Iran-backed Houthi authorities in Yemen.

13 May 2019 – Minister of State at the British Department for International Development and Minister for the Middle East at the Foreign Office made a statement about the persecution of the Baha’is in Yemen. 

1 May 2019 – The ABC, an Australian broadcasting channel, broadcasted an episode on religion and ethics which included a section on Hamed bin Haydara and the death row.

30 Apr 2019 – Al-Monitor, a media site based in Washington D.C., published an article titled, “Trump pressed to punish Saudi Arabic over religious intolerance,” mentioning the mistreatment of Baha’is in Yemen as stated in the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom annual report. 

30 Apr 2019 – Urdu Point, a Pakistan-based news site, published an article written by Fahad Shabbir titled, “UN Human Rights Exerts Condemn Houthi Trail of Persecuted Baha’i Leader.”

29 Apr 2019 – Australian Member of Parliament, Petra Bayr tweeted, “I cannot accept the injustice of having anyone punished by death on the grounds of religion or belief + belonging to a religious minority!”.

29 Apr 2019 – Radio Zamaneh, an Amsterdam-based Persian radio station, retweeted, “RT @HamedThabetHTS: Persecution of the #Bahai -s in #Yemen: Hamed bin Haydara’s Death Sentence. "This is really disturbing as the persecution is linked to his faith", said @mapimartens spokesperson of @BahaiNL. Excellent article by @MahtabRD

28 Apr 2019 – The Navhind Times, India-based news source, published an article titled, “BIC ‘concerned’ over safety over its members in Yemen.”

28 Apr 2019 – Business Today, an India-based business news site, published an article titled, “Baha’i international community ‘concerned’ over safety of its members in Yemen.”

28 Apr 2019 – Devdiscourse, an India-based news site, published an article titled, “Baha’i international community ‘concerned’ over safety of its members in Yemen.”21 February - SBS News, an Australian news channel, conducted an interview with a former Baha’i resident of Yemen whose sister and brother in law are listed as one of the 24 individuals wanted by the prosecution court in Yemen. The interview also included comments from Mr. Peter Khalil, Australian MP, as well as a researcher from Amnesty International Yemen. (English) SBS published related reports online as a web article, a video, and radio/audio tracks.  (EnglishVietnameseTwitter, Twitter)

6 Feb 2019 – Ms. Sahar Ghanem, Yemeni Ambassador to the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, tweeted “CDA MP @Martijncda expressed his concern regarding minorities & vulnerable groups in #Yemen, especially the #Bahai community. I assured him that the Government of Yemen included Bahais on the list of prisoners' swap with the #Houthi militia based on the Stockholm agreement.”  Mr. Martijn van Helvert is a Dutch Member of Parliament. (Twitter)

5 Feb 2019 – Mr. Niall Collin, the Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Trade in Ireland tweeted about the persecution of the Baha'is in Yemen (twitter)

29 Jan 2019 – Mr. Haytham Shoja’aadin, the Yemeni Ambassador to Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and Slovakia, tweeted “The Houthis continue to endanger #Bahaicommunity in Yemen. Mr #HamidbinHaydara has been sentenced to death by #Houthi. Gov’t of Yemen has added all #Bahais held under Houthi captivity  on the prisoners exchange list. Immediately release all Yemenis and #Bahaicommunity.@DianeAlai” (twitter)

24 Jan 2019 – Oyvind Stokke, Ambassador of Norway to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and Bahrain, tweeted “Norway recommends #Yemen to: (5) Investigate promptly the allegations of arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment, including against the Baha’i community and other victims of religious persecution, and ensure accountability in line with international standards". @NorwayMFA (English)

22 Jan 2019 – The Sana’a Centre for Strategic Studies published an article titled, “Starvation, Diplomacy and Ruthless Friends: The Yemeni Annual Review in 2018,” which described, in part, the way in which Houthi leaders escalated incitement against minorities, including the Baha’i faith (see ‘Human Rights Violations‘). (English)

4 Jan 2019 – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued a statement announcing its adoption of Hamid bin Haydara’s case as part of the USCIRF’s Religious Prisoners of Conscience Project. (English)

13 Dec 2018 – Articled by L’Orient Le Jour, “The Baha’is, a Minority Discretely Persecuted in War-Torn Yemen” (English)

6 Dec 2018 – Article by Dagens Arena (Sweden-based) regarding statement by members of the Swedish Parliament calling for persecution of Bahá’ís in Yemen and in Iran to stop (Swedish)

28 Nov 2018 – Article by Religion News titled “The Iranian government is targeting Baha’is in Yemen. We’ve seen this before.” (English)

20 Nov 2018 – Article by L’Orient Le Jour (Lebanon-based) in French titled “Les bahaïs, la minorité discrètement persécutée par les houthis” (roughly translated as “Baha’is, a minority discretely persecuted by the Houthis”). (French)

17 Nov 2018 – Mention of the Bahá’ís in an article by Liberty Nation titled “WaPo gives voice to genocidal terror leaders” (English)

17 Nov 2018 – Mention of Bahá’ís in op-ed published in AftonBladet (Sweden-based) titled “Jo, samtal är lösningen på konflikten i Jemen” (roughly translated as “Yes, conversation is the solution to the conflict in Yemen”) (Swedish)

17 Nov 2018 – An op-ed was published in AftonBladet (Sweden-based) titled “Jo, samtal är lösningen på konflikten i Jemen” (roughly translated as “Yes, conversation is the solution to the conflict in Yemen”) which mentions the Baha’is in Yemen (German)

15 Nov 2018 – An op-ed was published in the Washington Post titled “I’m a Yemeni journalist. Sweden won’t help keep my daughter and me safe” which mentions the Baha’is in Yemen (English)

13 Nov 2018 – An article was published by the Canadian Baha’i News Service titled “Canada joins nations in support of Baha’is in Yemen” (English, French)

11 Nov 2018 – An article was published in Zero Hora newspaper (Brazil-based) titled “No RS, seguidores da fé bahá’í temem por familiares e amigos perseguidos no Iêmen” (roughly translated as “In the RS, followers of the Bahá'í faith fear for persecuted relatives and friends in Yemen”)  (Portugues)

30 Oct 2018 – Article by The Associated Press “US Group Denounces Yemeni Rebels' Prosecution of Baha'is” (English, reposted by Washington Post and New York Times)

29 Oct 2018 – Statement by US Commission on International Religious Freedom “USCIRF Calls on Yemen to Release Persecuted Baha’is” (English)

27 Oct 2018 – Mention of Bahá’ís in statement by The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada (English)

22 Oct 2018 – Motion presented in Australian Parliament condemning persecution of Bahá’ís in Iran and Yemen (English)

15 Oct 2018 – Article by The Dominion Post and other New Zealand–based news agencies “Houthi rebels arrest Baha’i spokesman in purge” (English)

15 Oct 2018 – Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon answered a written question from Lord Hylton (UK) regarding the Bahá’í community (English)

13 Oct 2018 – Article by The Telegraph (UK) “Baha'i spokesman arrested in latest Houthi rebel crackdown in Yemen” (English)

12 Oct 2018 – Segment on BBC Radio World Service on the situation of the Bahá’ís in Yemen

12 Oct 2018 – Article by The Associated Press “Top Yemen Bahai figure disappears amid Houthi crackdown” (English)

12 Oct 2018 – Statement by Richard Di Natale, Australia Greens Leader Senator, issued a statement “Greens express deep concern over Baha'i persecution in Yemen” (English)

9 Oct 2018 – Statement by Luiz Couto, member of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, condemning the persecution of the Baha’is in Yemen. (Portuguese)

2 Oct 2018 – Statement by Raynell Andreychuk, member of the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights and Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade in the Canadian Senate, (English, French)

2 Oct 2018 – Article by Almaghrebiya (Italy) “The leader of the rebel Houthi movement has denounced the Baha’i faith as ‘satanic’” (English)

1 Oct 2018 – Article by O Nortao (Brazil) “Acusações infundadas no Iêmen indicam intensa perseguição” (“Baseless accusations in Yemen signal intense persecution”) (Portuguese)

1 Oct 2018 – Article by The News International (Pakistan) “UIPM [Universal Interfaith Peace Mission] urges world leaders to mitigate sufferings of minorities”  (English)

1 Oct 2018 – Article by BBC “Concern over Bahai' followers trial by Yemen rebels” (English)

30 Sept 2018 – Article by Sunday Telegraph (UK) “Yemen's Houthi rebels step up persecution in paranoid Sana'a” (English)

27 Sept 2018 – Article by Deutschewelle Persian “آلمان خواستار آزادی بهاییان زندانی در یمن شد”
(“Germany demands release of imprisoned Baha’is in Yemen”) (Persian)

29 Sept 2018 – Segment on BBC World Service radio on the situation of the Bahá’ís in Yemen

28 Sept 2018 – Article by Correio da Cidadania (Local media in São Paulo state, Brazil) p “Acusações infundadas no Iêmen indicam intensa perseguição” (“Baseless accusations in Yemen signal intense persecution”)  (Portuguese)

26 Sept 2018 – Statement by Baerbel Kofler, German Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid, on the situation of the Bahá’ís in Yemen (German)

26 Sept 2018 – Article by Aleesha Matharu on The Wire (India–based) “With a Mass Trial, the Persecution of Baha'is in Yemen Continues Unabated” (English)

24 Sept 2018 – Statement by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion and Belief, on the situation of the Baha’is in Yemen (English)

21 Sept 2018 – Article by Middle East Institute (US–based) “Iran–backed Houthi rebels step up persecution of Baha’i minority in Yemen” (English)

21 Sept 2018 – Article by the Austrian National Broadcast “Bahai im Jemen mit Tod bedroht” (“Bahai threatened with death in Yemen”) (German)

21 Sept 2018 – Article by Pressenza “La opresión de los bahá’ís por parte de los Houthis alcanza niveles sin precedentes en Sana’a (Yemen)”, (The oppression of the Bahá’ís by the Houthis reach unprecedented levels in Sana’a (Yemen)) (Spanish)

21 Sept 2018 – Statement by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, regarding the trial of the Bahá’ís in Yemen.  (Italian, related media coverage by Tempi)

19 Sept 2018 – Article by Deutschewelle Persian
“هشدار عفو بین‌الملل در مورد خطر اعدام ۲۴ بهایی به دست حوثی‌های یمن”
(“Amnesty International’s warning about the risk of the execution of the 24 Baha’is by Houthi in Yemen”) (Persian)

19 Sept 2018 – Article by Outlook India “Bahai community seeks immediate release of over 20 members wrongly convicted by Yemen court” (English)

19 Sept 2018 – Statement by The Society for Threatened Peoples (Germany) “Im Schatten des Krieges – Willkürjustiz im Jemen” (“In the shadow of war – arbitrary justice in Yemen”) (German, English)

18 Sept 2018 – Article by malaymail “24 Bahais could face death penalty in Yemen, says Amnesty” (English)

18 Sept 2018 – Article by Associated Press “Amnesty decries Houthi prosecution of Bahais in Yemen” (English; repost by New York Times, The Globe Post)

14 Sept 2018 – Article by Melissa Parke, a member of the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen, on The West Australian “World must ease pain of Yemen’s hidden war” (English)

11 Jul 2018 – Op–ed by Daniel Mark (Former U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom commissioner and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Villanova University) on The Globe Post “Religious Minority of Baha’is in Yemen Relive Iranian Nightmare” (English)

5 Jun 2018 – Article by National Post “Iran's allies are preparing a genocide in Yemen. But there's still time to stop it” (English)

14 May 2018 – Statement by US State Department Spokesperson, Ms. Heather Nauert, “Oppression of Baha’is in Yemen” (English)

10 May 2018 – Statement by Canadian Senator Mobina Jaffer (English, French)

9 May 2018 – Article on Pressenza “El discurso inflamatorio del líder Houthi apunta a los bahá’ís en Yemen con intención genocida:” (Spanish)

30 Apr 2018 – Statement by Canadian MP, Mr. David Anderson (English)

24 Apr 2018 – Articles by various Indian news sites in English, “Inflammatory speech by Houthi leader targeting Baha’is in Yemen: Indian Bahai body” (India Today, New Indian Express, Business Standard, India Today)

19 Apr 2018 – Various news outlets in the US, “Inflammatory speech by the Houthi leader targets Baha'is in Yemen with genocidal intent” (Yahoo! Finance, US Press Association, Marketwatch)

Apr 2018 – Article on Eurasia Review by Ghulam Rasool Dehlavi's, “Let’s Call for Protection of the Human Rights for all Religious Minorities, Not Only for Muslims as ‘Ummah’ (English)

14 Mar 2018 – Article in Vårt Land newspaper “Når borgerkrig blir til minoritetsforfølgelse” (“When civil war becomes prosecution of a minority”), with statement by parliamentarians ( Norwegian)

13 Mar 2018 – Article by Avvenire newspaper “Condannato a morte per la sua fede Bahai” (“Condemned to death because of his Bahá’í beliefs”)

10 Mar 2018 – Article by Il Giornale newspaper, “Condannato a morte per la sua fede” (“Condemned to death because of his Faith”) (Italian)

1 Mar 2018 – Article by Religion News Service, “For Baha’is, Yemen man’s death sentence
is grimly familiar” (English)

20 Feb 2018 – Comments by Irish President Michael D. Higgins (English)

11 Feb 2018 – Article by The Irish Times, “Coveney urges Yemen to release man sentenced to death over Bahá’í faith” (English)

30 Jan 2018 – Statement by US Commission on International Religious Freedom, “Yemen: USCIRF Condemns Death Sentence for Baha’i” (English)

25 Jan 2018 – Article by Deutsch Land Funk, “Todesurteil für Bahá'í im Jemen” (“Death sentence for Bahá’ís in Yemen”) (German)

18 Jan 2018 – Article by “Yemen, l’intolleranza come eredità” (“Yemen, intolerance as a legacy”) (Italian)

18 Jan 2018 – Statement by European Parliament Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief “Baha’i sentenced to death in Yemen” (English)

16 Jan 2018 – Article by J–wire, “The ECAJ joins the push to quash a death sentence for Bahá’í man in Yemen” (English)

15 Jan 2018 – Article by Nortao Jornal, “Com o aumento da perseguição, bahá’í do Iêmen recebe sentença de morte” (“With increased persecution, Yemeni Bahá'í receives death sentence”) (Portuguese)

11 Jan 2018 – Article by New Indian Express, Business Standard, India Today, and Outlook India, “Yemeni Bahai sentenced to death: Indian Bahai body urges govt” (English: New Indian Express, Business Standard, India Today, Outlook India)

14 Jan 2018 – Article by The Wire, “Baha’i Man Sentenced to Public Execution in Yemen. His Crime? Practicing His Faith” (English)

11 Jan 2018 – Article by This is Local London, “[MP] Bob Blackman asks Government to step forward over Iran and Yemen” (English)

8 Jan 2018 – Article by “Nello Yemen degli Houti è partita la caccia ai baha’i” (“In Houthi Yemen the hunt for the Baha'is started”) (Italian)

4 Jan 2018 – Article by MailOnline “Yemen: Rebel–run court sentences Baha'i man to death” (English)

4 Jan 2018 – Article by Associated Press, Fox News, “Yemen: Rebel–run court sentences Baha’i man to death” (English Associated Press, Fox News)

2 Jan 2018 – Article by La Vanguardia, El Confidencial, and El Diario, “Condenado a muerte el líder de la Fe Bahaí en el Yemen” (“The leader of the Bahá’í Faith in Yemen was condemned to death”) (Spanish La Vanguardia, El Confidencial, El Diario)

27 Oct 2017 – Article by PRNewsWire “Gunfire and Arrests Taint Baha'i Holy Celebrations in Yemen” (English)

25 Oct 2017 – Article by Kayhan London “Oppression of the Baha’is of Yemen; Another Case Supervised by Tehran’s Regime” (Persian, English)

24 Oct 2017 – Article by Ansa, “Yemen: Bahai, attaccati da Houthi” (Italian)

6 Oct 2017 – Article by Radio Farda “UN Resolution demands end to harassment of Bahá’ís in Yemen” (Persian)

15 Aug 2017 – Article by IranWire, “From Tehran to Sanaa: Iran Exports Baha'i Crackdown to Yemen” (English)

25 Jul 2017 – Article by Beirut Times, “YEMEN: Release Baha’i Prisoners of Conscience in Yemen USCIRF Calls on Houthis to Cease Harassment of Baha’is” (English)

25 Jul 2017 – Statement by United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) (English)

2 Jul 2017 – Article by Conatus News, “Iran’s Influence in Yemen is Bad News for Baha’is” (English)

12 Jun 2017 – Statement by Salam Al–Marayati President, Muslim Public Affairs Council, USA (English Facebook, Twitter)

7 Jun 2017 – Statement by MPs in Canada, David Sweet and David Anderson
(English Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

7 Jun 2017 – Letter from MPs in Canada, David Sweet and David Anderson
(English Facebook, Twitter)

Statements by the Yemeni Bahá’ís

10 Oct 2018 – Statement by the Baha’is Community of Yemen to the President and members of the Supreme Political Council (Arabic)

12 May 2018 – Statement by the Bahá’ís of Yemen (Arabic)

Selected media coverage in the Arab region

15 February 2021 – Monsad, a Yemeni Arabic news site, published an article titled, “Human Rights Initiative considers it a "blatant fraud" as the Houthis return the Baha'i file to the prosecution.”  The article stated that the Yemeni Initiative for Defending Bahá’í Rights condemned the Houthi Court’s decision to return the Bahá’í case to the prosecution without setting a specific date for the prosecution to provide a response.  The article mentioned that the Yemeni Initiative described the Court’s decision as “disappointing any remaining hope for judicial justice.”

14 February 2021 – ElBayan News, a Yemeni Arabic news site, published an article titled, “Judiciary in Sana’a protect Houthi crimes against the Bahá’ís (case update).” 

13 February 2021 – Al Bilad Press, a Bahrain based online newspaper, published an article in Arabic titled, “The Bahá’ís: Stories of persecution in Iran and Yemen, and [stories] of coexistence in Bahrain,” which mentioned the dire conditions under which the Bahá’ís of Yemen live due to the persecution committed by the Houthis, which prompted many to leave their lands and properties to reach a safe place outside of Houthi controlled areas.  Meanwhile, the article stated that history illustrates that the Bahá’ís have had a presence in the Gulf region and Bahrain in particular, where the societal bonds of fellowship and love resulted in a friendly relationship and coexistence, as the Bahá’ís have been an integral part of the fabric of the society in the Gulf. 

13 February 2021 – Yemen Hour, an Arabic local Yemeni news site, published an article titled, “Houthi prosecution ignores decisions of the Court regarding the Bahá’ís in Sana’a.” 

10 February 2021 – Voice Yemen, a local Yemeni news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “After deporting the Jews, the Houthis start to eliminate members of this religion in areas under their control,” which mentioned the persecution of the Bahá’ís of Yemen by the Houthis through various tactics and amid a trial that has taken four years so far. 

9 February 2021 – Asharq Al-Awsat, a prominent Saudi news site based in the United Kingdom, published an article titled, “Houthis Threaten Christians in Yemen with Same Fate as Priest Detained for 4 Years,” which mentioned the systematic persecution of the Bahá’ís and other religious minorities of Yemen by the Houthis.  The article stated that the Houthis have already expelled the “leaders of the Bahá’í sect, while 19 others are standing trial in spite of an amnesty they received last year following four years of trials.”

9 February 2021 – The Foreign Code, a Gulf related news site focused on the Middle East, published an article titled, “Yemeni Christian priest detained, tortured by Houthis for four years,” which also mentioned the Houthis’ acts of persecution against the Bahá’ís of Yemen. 

5 February 2021 – Riyadh Aldubai, a Yemeni human rights activist and cofounder of Rasd Coalition for monitoring and documenting human rights violations in Yemen, tweeted, “The Baha’i community of Yemen faced systematic violations & unprecedented levels of persecution simply for practicing their faith. They were accused of blasphemy & espionage by Houthis’ leader Abdul-Malek Al-Houthi.  #StopHouthiTerrorismInYemen @DefendingBahais.”

5 February 2021 – Hamdan Alaly, a prominent Yemeni journalist and human rights activist, tweeted, “Just as ISIL which forced #Yazidis to leave their fatherland #Iraq, the #Baha’i minority in Yemen have been persecuted, harassed, and displaced by the Houthis terrorist organization. The mentality of terrorism is the same. #StopHouthiTerrorismInYemen.”

4 February 2021 – Almashhad Alkhaleeji, an Arabic Gulf based news site, published an article titled, “The Houthis summon 19 Bahá’ís for trial, Ala’i: “Life of Bahá’ís is in danger.” 

24 January 2021 - Al-Arabiya, a prominent Saudi-owned Dubai-based news site covering the Middle East, published an article in Arabic titled, “After the American classification…YouTube erases the official Houthi channel,” which stated that YouTube suspended several official channels belonging to the Houthis after the United States classified the group and formally recognized it as a terrorist group.

12 January 2021 - The Yemeni legitimate government’s Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism posted two tweets in Arabic and English, which stated: 

“1- Iranian-backed Houthi militia continues to prosecute minorities in illegal trial for 24 Baha’i community [members], including six of their leaders, deported outside Yemen after detention  and looting of their assets in flagrant violation of [international] humanitarian law

“2- [International] community, and UNSEY Griffiths, [are] called to condemn trials and stop prosecution and harassment by Houthi against religious minorities, including Baha’is, and to guarantee the right of deportees to return to their country [without] restriction or condition #Onevoice_Houthi_terrorist_group." 

10 January 2021 - The National, a United Arab Emirates based news site, published an article titled, “Houthi court continues trials against Bahá’í in Yemen despite release orders.”

21 November 2020 – Arab News, a Saudi based news site, published an article titled, “Leader of the Bahá’ís in Yemen complains of ‘systematic’ Houthi repression,” which stated that Yemen’s Baha’is have undergone unprecedented, increasing levels of persecution over the last six years, when the Houthis arbitrarily detained dozens of the group’s followers, sentenced many to death and confiscated their assets.

17 November 2020 – Al Sharea News, an Arabic Yemeni newspaper and site, published an article online and in print titled, “The leader of the Bahá’ís in Yemen in a detailed conversation with Al Sharea after his exile: No one persecuted us except the Iranians,” which included a brief history on the Bahá’ís Faith and its principles and the history of the persecution of the Bahá’ís in Yemen.  This article includes the first exclusive interview with the six Bahá’ís of Yemen who were released from prison in late July.  

29 October 2020 – Raseef, a Lebanese Arabic news site focused on the middle east, published an article titled, “I am not an agent. I am a Bahá’í… Are the Bahá’ís facing religious ethnic cleansing in Yemen?” which featured an interview with former Yemeni Bahá’í prisoner, Mr. Wael al-Arighie and his history with the Bahá’í Faith and imprisonment. 

23 October 2020 – Adan Time, a local Yemeni Arabic news site, published an article titled, “International news site: Houthis control through weapons and spread ignorance and illiteracy,” which mentioned the persecution of the Bahá’ís of Yemen by the Houthis. 

23 October 2020 – Al-Kompis, a Swedish Arabic news site, published an article titled, “Swedish Foreign Minister meets with representatives of the Bahá’ís of Yemen and Iran,” which states that the Swedish Foreign Minister expressed her concern regarding the situation of the Bahá’ís in Iran and Yemen and assured that the Swedish government is closely monitoring the situation in both countries and is directly raising the issue with the Iranian foreign ministry.  

23 August 2020 – Erem News, an Arabic UAE-based news site, published an article titled, “They forcibly deported them and tried them as fugitives ... the Houthi militia seeks to seize the properties of the "Baha'is".” 

23 August 2020 – Al-Araby al-Jadeed, a London-based Arabic news site, published an article titled, “The Houthis tr Bahá’ís, including six who were deported from the country.” 

23 August 2020 – Ibb Online, an Arabic local Yemeni news site, published an article titled, “Urgent | The Specialized Criminal Court in Sana'a directed that the Baha'is were forcibly deported as fugitive.”

23 August 2020 – Al-Mashad Al-Araby, an Arabic Yemeni news site, published an article titled, “Houthis continue the trial of the Bahá’ís despite deporting them.” 

22 August 2020 –  Eman Homaid, founder of INSAF for Defending Minority Rights, posted on Facebook: “Dear Sirs, did you know that the Houthis held a court hearing today, and the judges claim that they did not know that the Baha'is were released and exiled outside the country? Now they want to blackmail the conscientious merchants and want to prosecute the Baha'is as fleeing justice ?! what do you think? How does one come to terms with these militias and criminals? May God judge you, Saleh Al-Hanashi. I command you to God.” 

7 August 2020 – Al-Arab, a pan-Arab newspaper published from London, England, published an article titled, “Iranian instructions resulting in the elimination of the Bahá’ís in Yemen.” 

4 August 2020 – Asharq al-Awsat, a Saudi London-based news site, published an article titled, “Forcible exile…a war crime committed by the Houthis, “ which states that the Houthis’ actions, including deporting the Bahá’ís, which are linked to Iran, is creating a cultural and intellectual deviation, by eliminating any component of society that disagreed with Houthi/Iranian political and religious thought. 

23 August 2020 - Erem News, an Arabic UAE-based news site, published an article titled, “They forcibly deported them and tried them as fugitives ... the Houthi militia seeks to seize the properties of the "Baha'is".”

23 August 2020 - Ibb Online, an Arabic local Yemeni news site, published an article titled, “Urgent | The Specialized Criminal Court in Sana'a directed that the Baha'is were forcibly deported as fugitive.”

23 August 2020 - Al-Mashad Al-Araby, an Arabic Yemeni news site, published an article titled, “Houthis continue the trial of the Bahá’ís despite deporting them.” 

2 August 2020 - Tawakkol Karman, a Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, tweeted in Arabic, “I condemn the Houthi militia for deporting the Baha'is from Yemen, and I consider it as a crime against humanity, which adds to the rest of the many crimes of the fascist militia in the country.”

2 August 2020 - Belqees, a Yemeni news channel belonging to the Islah party, televised a live segment the Yemeni Bahá’í prisoners titled, “From the displacement of the Jews to the deportation of the Baha'is ... Why do the Houthis refuse to coexist with the other?”

2 August 2020 - Gulf 365, a Saudi news site, published an article titled, “Houthis’ discrimination against minorities .. Yemeni fury on the crime deporting the Bahais,” which stated that the Houthi militia continues its war against religious minorities in Yemen, and following the forced displacement of the Jewish community that lived in the northern regions, it has now turned to the Baha'i community.

1 August 2020 - Sam for Rights and Freedoms, a Yemeni non-governmental organization, published a statement titled, “Sam: The forced exile of the Baha'is from Yemen is inhumane and a crime that violates international agreements.”

30 July 2020 - Hussein Al-Ezzi, the Houthi Deputy Foreign Minister, tweeted, “In line with the leadership’s directions, we did not impose on the Yemeni Baha’is to leave Yemen, as some trumpets say. Rather, we left them the choice and we gave them the full opportunity to consult with their families and we allowed the International Mission of the Red Cross to visit them and verify their desire and the truth of their choice and their decision until they confirmed and confirmed the cross that they want to travel.”

30 July 2020 - Hussein Al-Ezzi, the Houthi Deputy Foreign Minister, tweeted, “In implementation of the directives of His Excellency Brother Mahdi Al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, the Baha’is were released in a generous gesture that embodied the Yemeni nature, which is sympathetic to pardon, pardon, and hope that this noble position is met with more commitment and full respect for the laws in force and observance of the general system of Yemeni society.”

30 July 2020 - Hind Al-Eryani, a prominent Yemeni rights activist, tweeted, “Happy new! Bahais were released today Special thanks to Mr @OSE_Yemen who worked hard for their release I appreciate how patient he was to answer my frequent emails:).”

30 July 2020 - Hind Al-Eryani tweeted, “I want to talk to you about my friend, the Baha’i, who has a great heart, Abdullah Al-Olfi. This person put a lot of effort into helping Bahais and non-Bahais. He is a human in the full sense of the word. Usually he is the one who writes beautiful words to me, but I realized that he gives to everyone and does not wait for a word of thanks in return. Thank you Abdullah two hearts.”

30 July 2020 - Al-Khaleej Today, a United Arab Emirates-based news site, published an article titled, “Yemen’s Houthis release Baha'i prisoners following international pressure.”

30 July 2020 - Al-Arabiya, a United Arab Emirates-based Saudi news site, published an article titled, “Houthis release six Bahá’í prisoners and condition their release to leaving Sana’a.”

30 July 2020 - The National, a United Arab Emirates-based news site, published an article titled, “Yemen’s Houthis finally release Bahai prisoners after international pressure.”

30 July 2020 - Yemen Alghad, a Yemeni news site, published an Arabic article titled, “The Bahá’í International Community formally announces the release of the six Bahá’í prisoners including the leader of the religion in Yemen after years of imprisonment.”

30 July 2020 - Al Araby, a gulf-based news site, published an Arabic article titled, “Houthis release six Bahá’ís after years of imprisonment.”  

30 July 2020 - Ahewar, a Middle East-based news site, published an article titled, “Yemen: Houthis release six members of the Bahá’í community who were imprisoned for years.”

30 July 2020 - Bushra al Maqtari, a prominent Yemeni journalist, posted the following on Facebook: “In their contemporary history, Yemenis never experienced the bitterness of forced displacement from their homeland except in light of the rise of the Houthi group and its seizure of power in Sanaa. In the first years of the war, the Houthis deserted dozens of Jewish families from Imran and Sa`da, and they were abused and forced to leave their country, the last of which was the Al-Na’ati family that the Houthi group forced them to leave Sana'a, two weeks ago, after the head of the family chose to remain in prison or be expelled from his homeland. Today, the Houthi authority has deserted seven Baha'i activists from Yemen after giving them the choice between staying in prison or leaving Yemen.”

2 July 2020 - The National, a United Arab Emirates-based news site, published an article titled, “Yemen: international leaders call on Houthis to release Bahai prisoners.”

2 July 2020 - Al-Khaleej Today, a United Arab Emirates-based news site, published an article titled, “Yemen ceasefire crucial to save country from disaster, European ministers say,” which mentioned the call to release the Bahá’í prisoners as promised.

1 July 2020 - Al-Arabiya, a Saudi news channel based in Dubai, published an article in Arabic titled, “Yemen, which will rise after peace,” which provided a translation of the statement led by the Swedish Foreign Minister concerning Yemen and which called the Houthis to release the Bahá’í prisoners.

30 June 2020 - Saba News, a Yemeni News site, published an article titled, “Houthi retreat from freeing Bahá’í reveals militia.”

29 June 2020 - Al-Motamar Press, a Yemeni news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “Al-Eryani confirms that the Houthi militia's continued detention of the Baha'i leader confirms that it has not fulfilled its obligations.”

29 June 2020 - Moammar Al-Eryani, Minister of Information under Hadi government, tweeted, “Houthis continued detention of Baha'i leader, Hamid Haidara, &others of community, despite 3months since announcement by Mahdi AlMashat, Chairman of so-called Houthis Supreme Pol. Council, to drop death sentences &release them,confirms that militia doesn’t abide by its promises.”

29 June 2020 - Moammar Al-Eryani, Minister of Information under Hadi government, tweeted, “Abduction of Houthis militia of Baha'is from their homes,enforced disappearance, exposure to worst forms of psychological &physical torture, &ruling for execution for their religious beliefs, is flagrant violation of intl law, IHL, racial discrimination &crimes against humanity.”

8 Apr 2020 - Munir Al-Mawari, a Yemeni journalist and political activist tweeted in Arabic.  A provisional translation of his tweet is as follows:  “When King Hussein decided one day to release the fiercest opponent of his regime, engineer Laith Shbeilat, he informed Jordanian television of the decision, then immediately went to the prison, took the prisoner out of it, and then brought him to his home with his royal car. The king did not wait for the release procedures, fearing any delay would cause him to lose his prestige.”

7 Apr 2020 - Al-Monitor published an article in English titled, “Will Baha'is be released from Yemeni prisons as ordered?”

7 Apr 2020 - Munir Al-Maori, tweeted, “To the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a: Do not announce any decision to release anyone unless you are confident in your ability to implement it. Revoking the release is worse and more severe than the arrest itself. The case of the Bahai detainees is a good example of this.” Mr. Al-Maori also tweeted, “the delay continues in the implementation of the Attorney General's directives to release the Baha'i detainees in Sanaa.”

7 Apr 2020 - Hind Al-Eryani, a prominent Yemeni human rights activist, tweeted, “Amnesty International in its statement today: We welcomed the announcement of the release of Hamid bin Haidara and all the Baha'is by the Houthi leadership "Ansar Allah", and we urge that these words be translated into actions and the release decision implemented. #Bahiy_Yemen #YemeniBahais @abdusalamsalah Words -> Actions.”

7 Apr 2020 - Basma Nasser, a Yemeni activist, tweeted, “To be honest, when I heard the news of the release of the Baha'i detainees, I could not believe it, but after the statement of Al-Mashat, I tried to believe that it was not evasive and that the news was real. I continued saying I will only believe when I see their photos! Why was the release announced and not implemented yet? Are you waiting for what? #Freedom_Bahrain detainees.”

5 Apr 2020 - Hind Al-Eryani, a prominent Yemeni human rights advocate, tweeted, “Public Prosecutor Judge Nabil Al-Azani releases all of these, while the decision to release the Bahais "the presidential decision" is still being kept in his office and has not been implemented to this day! [and fulfil the covenant. Surely the covenant will be questioned of …] Where is the fulfillment of the covenant, "Ansar Allah"!

26 Mar 2020 - Jerusalem Post published an article, “Pro-Iranian regime Houthi leader releases persecuted Baha'is in Yemen.”

28 Jan 2020 - Al Bayan, a UAE based news site, published an article titled, “Mercy flights: A new humanitarian initiative for the Arab coalition,” which stated that the Bahá’í community of Yemen has been subject to an organized campaign of perception by the Houthis.

18 Jan 2020 - Emirati Affairs, a UAE-based news site, published an article titled, “Rights Watch holds Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Houthis responsible for the war violations in Yemen,” which mentioned the persecution of the Bahá’ís of Yemen.

15 Jan 2020 - The Emirates Centre for studies and media, a United Arab Emirates based independent research organization, published an Arabic article titled, “Rights Watch holds Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Houthis responsible for the war violations in Yemen,” which mentioned the persecution of the Bahá’ís of Yemen.

8 Nov 2019 - Al-Mashareq, a Middle East focused online newspaper sponsored by the United States Central Command, published an article titled, “Yemen’s Baha’i fear further abuses under Houthis.”

23 Oct 2019 - Yemen Alghad, a Yemen-based online newspaper, published an article in Arabic titled, “Shocking news. Houthis imminent decision to deport the Baha’i community and execute its leader in Yemen and confiscate all its belongings and Washington is warning.”

23 Oct 2019 - Voice Yemen, a Yemen-based online newspaper, published an article in Arabic titled, “Houthis to produce death sentence on Tuesday on this famous and most-talked-about individual.”

22 Oct 2019 - Qatar News, a Qatar-based news site, published an article titled, “Baha’i community fears deportations as Yemen sentence looms.”

22 Oct 2019 - Sama Press, a Yemen based news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “After few hours: Houthi produces death sentences and ruling to confiscate all assets and personal belongings of a famous Yemeni.”

21 Oct 2019 - Arab News, a Saudi-based news agency, published an article titled, “Bahá’í community fears deportations as Yemen sentence looms.”

30 Sept 2019 - Asharq Al-Awsat, an Arabic international newspaper in London, published an article titled, “File on Houthis deporting Yemeni Jews gains attention in Geneva, Iran attempted to constrain the Baha’is through the Houthi stick,” which made mention of the persecution of the Baha’is in Yemen and the involvement of Iran. However, numerous facts provided in this article on the Baha’is in Yemen and the history of the Baha’i Faith were incorrect.

30 Sept 2019 - Al Mashhad Al Yemeni, a Yemen-based news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “The United Nations orders the Houthis to cease judicial persecution of Baha’is.”

30 Sept 2019 - iNews Arabia, an online Arabic news platform [based unknown], published an article in Arabic titled, “The Guardian: This is how Yemenis live in the shadow of death by air strikes,” which made mention of the persecution of the Baha’is in Yemen.

13 Sept 2019 - Aden TM, a Yemen-based news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “Yemeni women gathering in Geneva to discuss the condition of women amidst armed conflict,” which stated that the discussion included the persecution of the Baha’is of Yemen.

5 Sept - Arab News, a Saudi-based news site, published an article titled, “The endless trials of Yemen’s Baha’i Community.”

23 Aug 2019  – Anba Aden, a Yemen based news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “Britain request the Houthis to release the Baha’i detainees.” (Arabic)

22 Aug 2019 – Yeni Safak, a conservative Turkish news site, published an Arabic article titled, “Britain requests the Houthis to release the Baha’i detainees.” (Arabic)

22 Aug 2019 – Al Ain, a United Arab Emirates based news site, published an article titled, “Britain demands the Houthi militia to release the Baha’i detainees.” (Arabic)

22 Aug 2019 – Anadolu Agency, a Turkish news site, published an article in Arabic titled, “Britain requests the Houthis to release Baha’i detainees.” (Arabic)

14 Jul 2019 – The National, a United Arab Emirates news site, published an article titled, “Yemen’s Houthis urged to review 30 death sentences issued last week.”

30 Apr –  Al Khaleej, an Arabic newspaper based in the United Arab Emirates, published an article in Arabic titled, “condemning the death sentence produced by the Houthis for a follower of the Baha’i faith.”

29 Apr – The National, a prominent Emirati news site, published an article by Mina Aldroubi titled, “Yemen Baha’i leader to appear in court for death sentence appeal.”

29 Apr 2019 – The Emirates New Agency published an article in English and Arabic titled, “UN human rights experts condemn Houthi trail of persecuted Baha’i leader.”

1 Jan 2019 – The National, a news website from the United Arab Emirates, published an article titled, “ Concerns for Yemen’s Baha’i minority targeted by Houthi rebels,” which included a statement by the Yemen deputy human rights minister who stated that the Houthis are fabricating charges against six prominent members of the Baha’i minority in Yemen and clarified some misconceptions about the Baha’is promoted by the Houthis. (English)

1 Jan 2019 – Al Arabiya published an article titled, “Baha’is fear for members excluded from Yemen prisoner swap,”.  The article states that the Baha’i International Community has voiced concern for members of the faith detained in Yemen, saying that the prisoners have been excluded from a swap plan with the government. (English)

16 Nov 2018 – Al Arabiya English (0.775 million followers) tweeted “Jarhum: We call for an end to the persecution of politicians and Baha'is in #Yemen” (Arabic)  

18 Sept 2018 – Article by The National (UAE) “Rights group hits out at Houthi prosecutions of Baha'i in Yemen” (Arabic)

18 Sept 2018 – Article by The Kuwait Times “24 Bahais could face death penalty in Yemen: Amnesty” (English)

18 Sept 2018 – Article by The New Arab “Members of Yemen's Bahai minority could face death penalty” (English)

16 Sept 2018 – Article by Yemen Akhbar regarding court hearing of Bahá’ís (Arabic)

18 Apr 2018 – Article by Al Bawabh News regarding statement by the Arab Organization for Human Rights (Arabic)